Web application designed to help students chart their major by providing a visual graph interface in which users are able to drag classes into the UI, and the graph updates based on the logic of the major and any associated prerequisite courses.
Program to leverage Artificial Intelligence techniques such as natural language processing and informed state-space search to solve crossword puzzles.
Task-manager to guide international students through post-graduation employment processes (OPT).
Data analysis project in which tools from computational topology are used to analyze text data for genre classification. The project implements several text-mining algorithms, as well as those used for persistent homology.
Mobile Application with allows users to track their dietary habits. Designed to sync with a wearable technology wristband.
Goal: Web-application which allows users to sign in and log expenses. Users enter information about the expense and have access to data-visualization tools to model and monitor spending habits.
Graphical User Interface which allows user to draw a graph onto an image, and run the Kruskal and Prim algorithms on their connections.
Simple, easy to use Python GUI for photo-editing. Allows the user to perform basic photo functions, apply filters, correct blemishes, and rename photo.
An interface which walks through the proof of Godel's Incompleteness Theorem, providing mathematical logic conversions to illustrate key concepts within the proof. Focus will be on making the proof intuitive and interactive, to be used as a teaching aid.